September 18, 2018 at 7:30pm
AKA artist-run
Please join us for our upcoming AGM where, in addition to our normative agenda, the AKA board and staff will be launching a Strategic Planning Survey for AKA stakeholders, members and supporters. As part of the strategic planning consultation and research the AKA board and staff want to hear from you! To get your membership in advance of the meeting, purchase or renew here and get a free tote. Minutes from the 2017 AGM are available here. Please find the 2018 Agenda below.
You must be a member in good standing to vote at the AGM.
To nominate yourself or someone else to the AKA Board of Directors the nominator and nominee must be members in good standing. Please email a letter of interest to director@akaartistrun.com by September 13, 2017.
AKA artist-run
Annual General Meeting
Notice of Assembly
Tuesday, September 18, 2018 at 7:30 pm
at AKA artist-run
424 20th St. West, Saskatoon
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of 2017 AGM minutes
- Business arising from the minutes
- Review Engagement by Grant Bossaer, CPA, CA, HVB Accounting
- Motion to approve the 2017-18 financial statements as presented by HVB
- Motion to engage HVB as the Review Engagement Firm for 2018-19
- Board Reports:
Chair’s report
Treasurer’s report
Director’s report
Gallery Coordinator’s report - Question and Answer
- Motion to approve all reports as presented
- Nominations Committee
- Announcement of 2018-19 Board of Directors and Thank you to those leaving.
- Closing Remarks
- Motion to Adjourn