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aka is taking the annual members ARTwalk to a whole new level.


This year we’re inviting members to do panoramic prints! These 1 x 4’ panoramic prints will go into windows of various sites along 20th Street in the Riversdale Cultural Corridor. They’ll be on display for the first week of July, and may even be up in the spaces for the entire summer.


As in past years, we’ll conduct an ARTwalk tour from site to site, and the selected artists will be asked to be on the tour to talk about their work. This will take place in conjunction with Street Meet: Saskatoon’s 1st Annual Street, Public and Graffiti Art Festival and the Street Meet Artist Tour on July 7th, 2013. Between July 5 and 7, Street Meet will explore new and exciting ways to make, appreciate and talk about public art, with workshops and presentations by artists that are local, national and international.


Submission requirements:

– as this year we’re asking for digital files, they need to be 300 dpi minimum, submitted via Dropbox (or any other FTP transfer site).

Remember to design it 1/4 inch larger on each side for bleed (12.5 inches high, 48.5 inches wide as the full size).

– submitted images can be video stills, comic strips, text-based work, design work, a redesigned 20th street panorama, a photograph – what you submit is entirely up to you!

– works will be printed courtesy of ProPrint and the selected artists get to keep the panoramic print once the ARTwalk is over.

– you can submit a maximum of two images, but only one will be selected.


Submission deadline:

May 31, 2013!!!!

Send submissions via Dropbox (or any other FTP transfer site) to info(at)

Please include a brief biography, a picture representing you (or of yourself), and a CV. A description of your submission is optional. Any questions can also be directed to info(at)

aka artist run

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© Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved. AKA artist-run would like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, SaskCulture, and Saskatchewan Lotteries.
