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Reception: aka event space, upstairs, 424 20th Street West

Time: 7-10pm

aka gallery is pleased to host the Saskatoon launch for Please Stare, a traveling public art project curated by John G. Hampton, featuring some of Canada’s foremost video artists. Please join us at aka’s event space to launch this exciting new project. The curator and artist Dominique Rey will be present. Appetizers will be served, and there will be a cash bar.

 Please Stare is a unique public art project presented by Neutral Ground and Soil Digital Media Suite, and hosted in Saskatoon by aka gallery.

Throughout Regina and Saskatoon silent video art will be surreptitiously planted amongst digital billboards. Following the same format as—and placed amongst—other advertisements, these videos comment on the nature of advertisement and public visual space. The Artists in Please Stare draw parallels between adculture and artistic production by playfully adopting and critiquing the psychosocial aesthetics of the ad.

Featuring seven of Canada’s most engaging video artists:

Dana Claxton 
Dominique Rey
Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins
Jon Sasaki 
Kelly Mark
Lee Henderson
Curated by John G. Hampton

You can see the locations of the billboards in Saskatoon here in Google Maps.

This exhibition was also named as one of the “must see shows” of the Summer here.

Additional technical assistance provided to the artists by Western Front, Trinity Square Video and Video Pool.Funded by the Canada Council for the Arts with the Saskatchewan Arts Board, Sask Culture, City of Regina, Sask Lotteries.Co-sponsored by Digital Skies Billboard Network.


aka artist run

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© Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved. AKA artist-run would like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, SaskCulture, and Saskatchewan Lotteries.
