Antipods: Magical Creatures with Backward Feet
June 24 to July 3, 2015
Opening Reception July 3, 7pm at the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery
Artist talk with Beata Bartorowicz July 2, 7pm
Antipods were mythical creatures, imagined in ancient and medieval times, to have existed on the other side of the world. The artists in this exhibition imagine the other side and respond to each other’s work. They explore cross-cultural dialogue, exchange through stories, myths and shape shifting. This two-part exhibition is also presented at the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery.
A catalogue with essays by the two instructors and Marcus Miller the Director of the Gordon Snelgrove Gallery is forthcoming.
The two instructors: Beata Bartorowicz (lecturer in Sculpture and Visual Art, University of Southern Queensland, Australia) and Susan Shantz (Professor, Department of Art and Art History, University of Saskatchewan) acknowledge the generous support of: University of Southern Queensland: School of Arts and Communication, Faculty of Business, Education, Law and Arts; & Artworx. University of Saskatchewan: Department of Art and Art History & Interdisciplinary Centre for Culture and Creativity (Linking Fellowship), College of Arts and Science & the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching Effectiveness (Experiential Learning Fund).