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  • Written by
  • Sep 05, 2012
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The political landscape has often been divided geographically and few divisions are so evocative of conflict and exoticism as East and West. Notions of East and West are often imagined, with political and geographic borders changing and rarely lining up. More than anything, they evoke attitudes and ideologies rather than geopolitical realities.


Canada is not exempt from these divisions. As everywhere else, East and West are divided in arbitrary ways. Manitoba, for example, is the geographical centre of Canada, but is often, if not always, lumped with the West. Canada’s West has never had a reputation for being friendly to the arts and is seen to have deeper ties to tar sands and agriculture than culture. With our first Albertan Prime Minister, our image of Canada and political landscape is noticeably shifting, oftentimes polarizing East and West. We want to see what, if any, differences crop up in the videos of these two Canadian regions. Are the differences really that deep or will art show itself to have a unifying effect?


AKA and Modern Fuel are partnering to exhibit the experimental vanguard of film and video from Eastern and Western Canada. AKA will contribute a selection of works from the prairies (Collin Zipp, Freya Olafson, Erica Eyres, Adam Lark and Amalie Atkins) and Modern Fuel will showcase work from Central Canada (Lisa Aalders, Mansoor Behnam, Barbara Meneley, Cheryl Pagurek, Julia Krolik & Owen Fernley and James Greatrex).


Mature Subject Matter Advisory, and admittance is restricted to viewers over the age of 18.


aka artist run

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