Image credit: Clint Nuefeld, Smash still #2, 2016
On view: December 13 to December 15
Doors: Friday December 16, 8pm
Draw: 9:30pm
Tickets: $10 can be purchased in multiples through Picatic, AKA or Art Placement/ contact gallerycoordinator@akaartistrun.com to participate in the draw from afar
Join us for AKA’s Art Draw and annual holiday party; as a festive twist, this year we’ll be gift wrapping the work. Donated works will be online and on view at AKA from December 13 to 15, but on December 16, everything will be wrapped. Tickets gain entrance into the event – including mulled wine, appetizers and a live set by Janice Weber – and you will be entered in the draw for a chance to win a work of art by:
Alison Norlen, Allysha Larsen, Allyson Glenn, Anahita Akhavan, Andie Palynchuk, Betsy Rosenwald, Bruce Montcombroux, Cam Forbes, Cam McKay, Clint Neufeld, Dave Stonhouse, Dawna Rose, Derek Sandbeck, Diana Chisholm, Douglas Bentham, Ellen Moffat, Gregory Hardy, Ian Rawlinson, Joanne Lyons, Jon Vaughn, Jonathan Forrest, Joseph Anderson, Karen Polowick, Kelly Goerzen, Laura St. Pierre, Linda Duvall, Lorenzo Dupuis, Louise Cook, Marie Lannoo, Riisa Gundesen, Robert Christie, Shelby Lund, Steph Krawchuk, and MORE.
Enjoy the festive mood with beer generously donated by Black Bridge Brewery of Swift Current, SK, music provided by Janice Weber and sponsorship provided by Art Placement.
AKA’s Art Draw supports the centre’s work with artists, including exhibitions, ad hoc projects, publications, workshops, professional development and collaborations throughout Saskatchewan, Canada and internationally. Thanks to our volunteer Fundraising Committee, members, artists, sponsors, volunteers and our wonderful sponsors.
Donated artworks
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