September 16 to October 21 2011
Co curated by Tod Emel (AKA) and David LaRivierre (PAVED ARTS)
Featured AKA artists are Arthur Desmarteaux & Allison Moore (Montréal, QC) and Larry Carlson (New York, NY). PAVED features Keith Murray (Calgary, AB), Jeremy Shaw (Berlin) and Noxious Sector (Dartmouth,Victoria, Seattle), which is comprised of a trio of trouble-makers: Jackson 2bears, Ted Hiebert and Doug Jarvis.
A collaborative AKA / Paved Arts presentation, PsycheDADA brings together artists whose practices contend with the anomalies and oddities of chance at play in creative consciousness. Larry Carlson’s videos are a high-speed jump cut leap into a vertiginous Technicolour information overload, animated realizations of the mind-bending juxtapositions of his collage work. Arthur Desmarteaux and Allison Moore present brilliantly coloured and image dense serigraphs, prints, collages and puppet shows, creating a heady mix of Rabelaisian excess and underground comic trippyness.
Read Tod Emel’s curatorial essay here.