Chris Scott, 2017
Your Painting Here
July 7 to July 29, 2017
Opening: Friday July 7, 7pm
Presented and organized by SCYAP and Heritage Canada
SCYAP (Saskatoon Community Youth Arts Programming) and Heritage Canada, as a part of the Canada 150 celebration are proud to present, Your Painting Here a show of mural proposals produced by past participants of SCYAP’s Urban Canvas project. The proposals deal with themes of Truth and Reconciliation as well as youth leading the bright future of Canada.
During the exhibition, the community can vote on which mural design they like the best, with the winning proposal being painted as a large permanent mural on the side of 253 3rd Ave south in Downtown Saskatoon. Two other proposals will be chosen and painted as smaller murals to be donated to other community organizations within Saskatoon.