Water, permanent ink, water-soluble ink and pastel on Stonehenge Paper 38”x50”, 2016
Summer studio: Bonnie Conly
July 22 to Aug 5, 2017
AKA will be hosting Bonnie Conly, providing the artist with a temporary studio within the gallery. Bonnie will be taking advantage of the space to work on a much larger scale than normally available. She will be exploring and experimenting with new materials, tools, and learning how to attach panels of paper together to support a large scale drawing. Conly’s current work surrounds ideas relating to architecture and how if affects the political, physical and human geography of the prairie environment.
Bonnie Conly is a multi-disciplinary artist incorporating various materials and methodologies into her visual practice. She is an active member of the art community and has for years been dedicated to a visual art practice while teaching full time in Saskatoon. She received an Honours Degree in Art Studio and Art History with High Honours from the University of Saskatchewan. Bonnie received a Saskatchewan Arts Board Independent Artist Grant in 2015. She has been an Artist In Residence at the Grasslands National Park. Her CARFAC mentorship with Alison Norlen continues to influence her explorations in drawing, video, and sculpture. Her most recent exhibitions are: I Am The Bridge III, Paved Arts, Salvage Art Gallery of St. Albert, Pick Up Sticks and Storybooks Humboldt Art Gallery, and Heavy Metal an OSAC Arts on the Move touring exhibition. Upcoming exhibitions are: St. Thomas More Gallery – Sept. 2017, Godfrey Dean Gallery – Sept. 2018, and Humboldt Art Gallery – June 2019.