Amendments to AKA’s by-laws
AKA Gallery has changed sections of its by-laws that need to be ratified by our membership. Below are the items that need your vote. They can be voted on by mailing in this signed and dated form, and/or attending our Special Members Meeting on February 7th, 2013, at 6 PM.
Below are the items put forward for ratification. The first item allows members to vote at an AGM by mail-in ballot. This is common practice by non-profits and is acceptable in the non-profit act. However, it is not something we have in our by-laws. We would like to include this option as many members have let us know they would like to take part in the decision making process but the AGM does not always fit into their schedule. The second amendment relates to fiscal year which has been changed from December 31 to March 31. This is to fall in line with Canada Council which disperses funding according to its own fiscal year. This change will eliminate the deferred income from our year-end statements and make our finances easier to comprehend by board, staff and membership. The third amendment relates to multiple classes of membership. This gives AKA the option of having higher levels of membership that get tax receipts for anything above the basic membership fee of $20. It is like a membership and a donation with the addition of website acknowledgment for higher paying members and free gifts such as catalogues from our store. The fourth amendment deals with our AGM quorum which is currently set at a majority of AKA members. Since AKA has too many members to reach quorum, we would like to set quorum in line with other organizations so that by-laws can be ratified on a timely basis. Members who want a voice at the AGM will always have the option of mail-in ballots or attending the meeting. The final amendment is simply the ratification of new Board members that have joined the board since the previous AGM.
The following will be added to AKA’s by-laws:
1. “Members are entitled to vote by mail-in ballot.”
in Section 5. Meeting of Members, sub-section (e).
2. “The fiscal year of the corporation shall end on the 31st day of March in each year.”
(Section 3)
-This change has been made so as to coincide with Canada Council’s fiscal year and make our year-end statements easier to read. There will thus be no deferred revenue from year to year.
3. Membership is available in multiple classes (Section 4)
4. AGM quorum will be changed from a membership majority to this: Quorum will consist of six members, board inclusive.
5. Ratification of new Board Members.
This special Members Meeting will take place February 7th: this is an early, pre holiday heads up, and there will be a physical mailout, both of these amendments and also of a proxy voting form, in the new year.