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AKA artist-runAnnual General Meeting
Notice of Assembly 
September 22, 2020 7pm
On Zoom


  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of 2019 AGM minutes
  3. Business arising from the minutes
  4. Review Engagement by Grant Bossaer, CPA, CA, HVB Accounting
  5. Motion to approve the 2019-20 financial statements as presented by HVB
  6. Motion to engage HVB as the Review Engagement Firm for 2020-21
  7. Board Reports:
    1. Chair’s report
    2. Treasurer’s report
    3. Director/Coordinator’s report
  8. Question and Answer
  9. Motion to approve all reports as presented
  10. Nominations Committee
  11. Announcement of 2020-21 Board of Directors and Thank you to those leaving.
  12. Closing Remarks
  13. Motion to Adjourn

If you are planning to attend the meeting please contact to request the zoom link.

If are unable to attend but wish to empower another member to vote on your behalf please fill out the proxy voting form.


aka artist run

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© Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved. AKA artist-run would like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, SaskCulture, and Saskatchewan Lotteries.
