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  • Jan 15, 2013
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AKA Gallery and Make Work Projects have partnered to present a new Studio Visit and Lecture Series. International curators Dieter Roelstraete and Monika Szewczyk will be conducting studio visits with local artists and AKA Gallery will host A Conversation with Dieter Roelstraete and Monika Szewczyk on Sunday, January 27 at 7pm. Visual artists interested in meeting one-on-one with the visiting curators are encouraged to submit their portfolio to the Saskatoon Studio Visit Registry by January 16 to be considered. Visit for submission details.

 MCA March 2012 (Photo Nathan Keay)DIETER ROELSTRAETE  is the Manilow Senior Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, where his first exhibition, a survey of the work of Polish-born, London-based artist Goshka Macuga, just opened (December 2012). From 2003 until 2011, he was a curator at the Antwerp museum of contemporary art MuHKA, where he organized exhibitions of Chantal Akerman (2012), Liam Gillick & Lawrence Weiner (2011), and thematic group shows focusing on contemporary art from Vancouver (2005) and Rio de Janeiro (2011), as well as projects such as Emotion Pictures (2005) and The Order of Things (2008). In 2005 he co-curated the Honore d’O: The Quest in the Belgian pavilion at the 51st Venice Biennale; he has also curated exhibitions at galleries and institutions in Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Mexico City and Vancouver. A philosopher by training, former editor of Afterall journal and co-founder of FR David, Roelstraete has published extensively on contemporary art and culture in numerous catalogues and journals such as Artforum, A Prior Magazine, e-flux journal, Frieze, Mousse Magazine and Texte zur Kunst.

MONIKA SZEWCZYK is Visual Arts Program Curator at the Reva and David Logan Center for the Arts, University of Chicago. Prior to joining the staff of the Logan Center, Szewczyk was head of publications at the Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art in Rotterdam, where she (co)edited more than twenty publications ranging from monographs, through artists’ books to critical readers (notably Meaning Liam Gillick; Rotterdam Dialogues: The Critics, The Curators, The Artists; and Cornerstones). Previously, while living in Vancouver, Szewczyk was on the curatorial team of the Vancouver Art Gallery (2004-2007) and coordinated the program of the Belkin Satellite, a downtown space of the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery at the University of British Columbia (2002-2004). Throughout, she also taught at art academies including Emily Carr University in Vancouver, the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam, and most recently at the Bergen National Academy of the Arts. An interdisciplinary thinker, she holds degrees in International Relations (B.A.) and Art History (M.A.) from the University of British Columbia.


Szewczyk’s writing has appeared in numerous catalogues and journals, including Afterall (London), A-Prior (Ghent), Mousse (Milan), and e-flux journal online, which published her two part essay “Art of Conversation,” that serves as a backdrop for her presentation at AKA Gallery with Dieter Roelstraete. Thus far, her curatorial projects at the Logan Center include TELEVISIONISM, Ricardo Basbaum: Would you like to participate in an artistic experience?; Wall Text (co-curated with Zachary Cahill) and Brian Jungen and Duane Linklater: Modest Livelihood. Recent freelance exhibitions include The Joy of Pleasure (co-curated with Dieter Roelstraete at VeneKlasen Werner in Berlin, 2011), Nether Land (co-curated with Nicolaus Schafhausen at the Dutch Culture Center in Shanghai, 2010 as Act VIII of Witte de With’s multifaceted Morality project) and Allan Sekula: This Ain’t China (at e-flux, New York, 2010). In the Spring of 2012, she collaborated with the dancer and choreographer Alexandra Bachzetsis, as a dramaturg of the recently premiered piece Etude (2012), which was also presented at dOCUMENTA(13).

AKA Gallery and Make Work Projects gratefully acknowledge the RBC Emerging Artists Project as our key funder for the Studio Visit and Lecture Series, along with artsVest™ Saskatchewan’s matching incentive program created by Business for the Arts with funding from Canadian Heritage and the Government of Saskatchewan Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport, and SaskCulture Inc., and our official hospitality sponsor the Delta Bessborough.



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