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  • Apr 11, 2013
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AKA Gallery and Make Work Projects have partnered to present a new Studio Visit and Lecture Series with Lucas Soi.

Lucas Soi is the Director/Curator of Soi Fischer, which produces contemporary art projects in Toronto and Vancouver.


Friday, May 24 at 7pm at AKA Gallery
In 1934 Walt Disney started production on the feature-length animated cartoon Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Story meetings were held regularly to define what Disney described in a company memorandum as the “possibilities the scene presents to the animator, stirring up his imagination, stirring up his vision, stimulating his thought regarding what can be done in the scene.” Disney regularly convened employees from the Animation, Story and Character

Model departments to engage in creative brainstorming. During the almost three-year making of Snow White the collaborative writing process always maintained a constant goal: each of the seven dwarf characters would reflect a unique phase of human behaviour, and together would equal the sum total of a man. The idea was not to reduce them to sameness but to maintain identities at the heart of pluralism, for “audiences had to be able to tell them apart easily – they had to look alike, and yet different.”

This working methodology of group exposition filtered through a single organizing principle is relevant to contemporary curatorial practice. With the current proliferation of art practices and opportunities for their public exhibition, the curator has become increasingly influential in creating a larger context for these various gestures to coalesce. No longer is a group exhibition an objective presentation of finished works of art. Instead, it has become a medium with which to animate multiple concepts into a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. “The application of the auteur theory to curating has been one of the most remarkable developments in recent years,” writes Spanish curator Jens Hoffmann, and there is no better example of this than Toronto-based curator Ydessa Hendeles. Her heterogeneous exhibitions compile objects from different social, aesthetic and historical periods into a narrative work of art. This sense of authorship by the curator over the final presentation of artworks and their public exhibition is increasingly being implemented. By balancing various aesthetic qualities and signifying effects they become another sound in the multitude of voices involved in art production.


More about Lucas Soi:



Visual artists and curators interested in meeting one-on-one with Soi are encouraged to submit their portfolio to the Saskatoon Studio Visit Registry by May 5 to be considered. If you have already uploaded your portfolio you are automatically considered.

Visit for submission details.

AKA Gallery and Make Work Projects gratefully acknowledge the RBC Emerging Artists Project as our key funder for the Studio Visit and Lecture Series, along with artsVest™ Saskatchewan’s matching incentive program created by Business for the Arts.

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