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AKA Members Summer Studio
June through August

Calling all AKA Members! Every August and December (during our holiday break) AKA opens its doors to interested members for studio space, open studio visits and experimental events. In 2016, we had more interest than we could accommodate. In response, during the months of June, July and August AKA will host multiple and concurrent members studio spaces. Ten spots are available for a three month duration. Collaborating artists are encouraged to apply for a single shared space.

As part of the program AKA will coordinate monthly studio visits by local gallery owners, curators and professionals, culminating in a final open studio for public viewing in August. If you are not yet an AKA Member join here.

Proposals are due:  Monday, April 10, 9am
Email with a short paragraph describing your work and needs (250 max).

Practical information:
>general tools available for use
>no woodshop, minor needs can be accommodated in the alley
>no spray painting
>gallery walls and floors must be returned to original state

aka artist run

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© Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved. AKA artist-run would like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, SaskCulture, and Saskatchewan Lotteries.
