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  • Written by
  • Sep 03, 2013
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aka artist-run is seeking a creative and dynamic person to take over the position of Director.  

Hours: 30 – 40 hours per week including some evenings and weekends, 2-year contract, $33 – 36K per annum depending on qualifications, plus benefits. Start date: late November or early December.
aka is an artist-run gallery whose role is to exhibit, interpret, disseminate and promote challenging art. Our venues include a street level gallery space, a second storey billboard space, as well as ad hoc off-site venues we source for specific projects. We are committed to exploring emerging practices that speak to, reflect and encourage dialogue in our culturally diverse community. This includes work in all media by local, national and international artists, indigenous artists, queer, emerging and established artists.
aka artist-run is committed to acting as a centre for critical discourse, experimental risk-taking, and as a promoter of artistic self-determination. We foster discussion, build connections between artists, their community and a national audience, and we support emerging practices in all media produced by a diversity of voices.

The new Director will have a proven track record of innovative programming in the visual arts as well as the management expertise to move aka forward into the next exciting phase of the centre’s development.

Job Description

The Director is responsible for implementing, and communicating the mandate, vision, and core values of aka artist-run. Through an intimate understanding of the organization’s operation and vision, the Director is the first point of contact between aka, and its artists, art communities and the general public, both within Saskatoon’s vibrant cultural community and beyond.

The Director will be a dynamic, creative individual with excellent organization skills, and management skills. In a climate of stagnant funding, the Director will seek out and develop new partnerships, potential funding opportunities, and community ties in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and Canada. The successful candidate will have an excellent understanding of contemporary visual art, artist-run culture, and the non-profit sector. Additionally, the Director will be responsible for all grant writing, project management, and short and long-term fiscal planning. The Director will work closely with the aka artist-run Board of Directors, and the Gallery Coordinator to develop the centre into the future


Responsibilities for the Director position include:

  • Administer day-to-day operations
  • Work with the Board of Directors, and the Gallery Coordinator in planning and implementing fundraising activities.
  • Work with the Board of Directors and the Programming Committee in developing and implementing core and value-added programming.
  • Work with the Board and staff to ensure sound financial management.
  • Create a three- year budget and administer finances in accordance to the organization’s operations, including all visual arts programs.
  • Work with the Gallery Coordinator to administer aka’s publication program and all other communications materials (i.e. Press releases, invites, didactic materials, membership brochures, etc.).
  • Write all grants.
  • Administer special projects such as Sounds Like Audio Art Festival, in collaboration with partnering organizations.
  • Seek out and develop new community and business partnerships.
  • Edit catalogue essays and didactics.


The Director has the opportunity to curate and produce exhibitions, talks, publications and other programming consistent with aka’s mandate and in consultation with the Board of Directors.


Experience Required:

  • Excellent command of the English language (written and oral).
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of contemporary art practices.
  • Familiarity with sound financial management practices as well as Board governance.
  • Excellent organizational skills, including fundraising and time management.
  • Demonstrated ability to liaise with other arts organizations, advocacy groups and the media.
  • Successful grant writing experience at various levels of government.
  • Experience in providing direction to support staff and working with a volunteer Board of Directors and membership.
  • Ability to meet deadlines and work under pressure.
  • exhibition installation in various media



The Director is a salaried position remunerated at $33,00.00 – $36,000.00 per annum dependent upon experience and based on 30-40 hours a week for 12 months of the year. Benefits include an extended health plan, 15 days vacation, and 21 days leave available for professional development.


Application Requirements:

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply by email in advance of the September 19, 12pm deadline. Please include all of the following (PDF format preferred):

Letter of interest outlining your professional qualifications and artistic vision. Please indicate your availability to be in Saskatoon to start in the position in late November or early December.

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. 2 – 3 writing/publication samples
  3. Two brief (approx. 200 words each) descriptions of exhibitions proposed for inclusion in aka’s programming calendar. Projects in the early stages of development are acceptable. For further information on aka artist-run please visit


Please forward all completed applications by email only to:

aka hiring committee

Late or incomplete applications will not be reviewed by the Committee.

aka artist run

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© Copyright 2017. All Rights Reserved. AKA artist-run would like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts, the Saskatchewan Arts Board, SaskCulture, and Saskatchewan Lotteries.
