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  • Nov 28, 2018
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Marie Webster, The Mother of All Beauty, 2018.

An MFA exhibition by Marie Webster
December 14 to 22, 2018
Opening: Friday December 14, 7:30 to 11:30pm

Throughout history women who pull strength from their spiritual selves and tap into the powers of the elements are cast out from society and labelled as ‘witches’, evil enchantresses out for the demise of man-kind. These women were not evil, they were mothers, healers and midwives. They were the doctors of society and anatomists of ancient history. They are the gifted of society and can be found within different cultures across the globe. These were and are women who have been persecuted for the very gifts they bestow. These gifts of ancient healing and wisdom
are our birthright and our source of strength.  Our association with nature is undeniable; this series of work is about honing into our spiritual connection through nature. Taking to mind the signs that present themselves in our lives and how they facilitate growth and healing. Using her
knowledge of natural magic to create sculptures, paintings and installations, Marie speaks on the female body in relation to the natural world from a place of wonder and intention. With the use of found objects and symbolism a narrative is formed around her experience with heartbreak,
identity and infertility. This is a body of work about the desires we have for that which we cannot control, the heartache that ensues in the reality of this and the wisdom that comes from letting it all go.


Marie Webster is a multidisciplinary artist who takes inspiration from the natural world. Her work is figurative, focusing on the female form, its mystical cycles, and divine inner connections in order to push boundaries of social normality and acceptance. This focus while connected to sociological political and feminist issues, is also deeply intimate and connected to her personal experiences. Her work examines the mystery of the internal body, using elements of the earth to speak on our deep emotive responses to our physical selves. Travelling and showing extensively throughout her career Marie received her BFA from the Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgary. Alberta and is currently an MFA candidate at the University of Saskatchewan.

aka artist run

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